When it’s time to replace your furnace, it’s important to choose a skilled and experienced HVAC company to guide you through the process. Lakeside Heating & Air Conditioning has provided quality furnace installation in Thornton, CO, and neighboring communities for more than 50 years.

Our experienced employees will help you find a furnace that meets your home’s needs, and make sure it is installed according to the strictest specifications to ensure optimum performance. Lakeside proudly carries a line of high-performance, energy-efficient furnaces, so there’s sure to be a model that fits both your needs and your budget.

At Lakeside, we understand furnaces can be an unforeseen expense, so we offer rebates, special offers and financing for qualified customers. Plus, we’re happy to provide free second opinions so you can feel secure while making decisions about your HVAC equipment.

We take pride in providing quality furnace service at an affordable price! Call 303-412-8015 today for a complimentary, no-strings-attached HVAC installation estimate!

Five Benefits of Furnace Replacement

Investing in a new furnace can be extremely beneficial for your home comfort—and your long-term budget. Most people know that newer furnaces are usually much more reliable than older, breakdown-prone units. But furnace replacement can do more than save you on repair bills. It also can lower your monthly power bills and, often, increase the comfort level in your home. That’s not to mention the peace of mind you get from knowing you’ve got a new, energy-efficient furnace in your home ready to take on the Colorado winter!

Here is a closer look at five benefits of furnace replacement:

1. Lower utility bills: Newer furnaces are designed to be more energy efficient, which means they use less energy to produce heat for your home. By reducing energy use, you can lower your monthly power bills.

2. Improved comfort: Upgrading to a new furnace allows for better temperature control and more consistent heating throughout your home. Plus, many new systems have enhanced technology for more precision and customization.

3. Enhanced safety features: New furnaces often come with advanced safety features, such as automatic shutoff systems and carbon monoxide detectors, which can provide peace of mind for your household.

4. Improved indoor air quality: Modern furnaces often have advanced filtration systems that help trap allergens, dust and other airborne particles from the air. By removing those contaminants, the furnace provides cleaner indoor air!

5. Increased home value: Installing a new furnace can increase the value of your home, as potential buyers often see newer and more efficient heating systems as a selling point.

When you need an HVAC company you can trust, call Lakeside! For four generations, our family-owned, family-operated business has made customers comfortable in communities across the Denver metro area.

Whether you need furnace repair, HVAC replacement or want to schedule furnace maintenance to keep your new system running strong—you can count on Lakeside. Schedule your free estimate by calling 303-412-8015 today!